How to become an iPhone developer?

Lori Caricofe
5 min readJan 4, 2018


If someone ask why there is huge demand for iPhone App Developers then its simplest answer is because people just love using iPhone devices. Recently Apple has launched the iPhone X, the latest edition of its most popular iPhone with all new UI design. There was a long waiting line for buying their favorite new iPhone. So many people are fond of iPhone because of the powerful iOS system. iOS does not require a high hardware configuration like in Android and can play a high performance. Therefore it attracts so much interest among developers. iOS 11 UI design has taken the iPhone to the next level.

Recent surveys say that an iOS developer earns very high salary due to its huge demand. Hence more and more people also want to join this field. But the question is how to become an iOS developer? In this article we will explain step by step procedure to become an iOS developer. The following are the iOS 11 developer’s key skills.

Always have a Passion about Learning iOS development

Whether you want to start your own iPhone App Development company , first thing is you should have great passion for iOS and iPhones. Learning can become boring too sometime but if you have a passion towards learning something then it would be easy to learn and soon you can master it. In last some years, iOS development has been one of the favorite job in the world. People who use iPhone, like its simplicity, efficiency, reliability and highly useful features. If you want to learn iOS development then you should love this job.

Learn the Basic iOS Design Principles

iOS is appreciated for its elegant and precise interface and reliable operation. Apple has released iOS human computer interaction guidelines for developers to design an app.

iOS design rules:-

Easy to operate
Clear and Easy navigation structure
Ensuring the integrity of the aesthetics
Highlighting the primary function
Use Simple terms
Consider the direction (horizontal or portrait)
Make touch point suitable for fingertip size
Design Principles:-
Pay attention to the size screen resolution
Four basic UI components (Status bar, Navigation, Submenu, Content)
Keep the icon size consistent
Keeping the font size comfortable
Focus on Slicing

Buy an Apple’s Mac

This is also important and you have to buy a Mac right now if you want to progress in the right direction of becoming an iPhone developer. While using Mac, you can learn more about the design philosophy of the Apple. Buy either Pro or Mac Air version depending upon your budget. You should also buy iPod and iPhone to test your App.

Learn the Basic Programming Language Swift

This step is important and most difficult to follow. Also it can take some longer time. Although many developers still use Objective C but now it is the right time to learn Swift, the programming language developed by Apple especially to develop iPhone apps. Swift is easier then Objective C, with clearer syntax and concise. Therefore most of the programmers love it as it is much easier to build an iOS app based on apple platform. Swift is an innovative and powerful programming language for iOS, TvOS, WatchOS and macOS. Writing Swift code is interesting as the syntax is concise and expressive and Swift includes modern features which developers love. Swift code is safe and produces software code that offers high performance.

Learn Cocoa Touch, User interface framework for iOS development

Cocoa Touch is the most important User interface framework for iOS development. Cocoa touch is very powerful and provides a lot of basic tools and API which can be used. iOS has unique interface which simple means that the Cocoa Touch framework has the same unique design. With its User Interface kit — UIKit, you can access special GUI controls, full screen views and buttons on iOS. If you want you can control the application with accelerometers and Multi-Touch gestures. Hence you should learn Cocoa Touch while learning programming.

Learn Source Code Control Management like SVN, Git

Source code control system is a very important part of software development. This allows the users to retrieve the original source code of the previous versions. SVN and Git are the two most common source code control management tools but Git is becoming most popular tool recently.

Developers now choose Git instead of SVN due to following reasons:-

Git is a distributed code control system while SVN is a centralized system.
Git can be easily managed without the help of server without network in the local library while SVN requires server with the network to do the code management.
Git stores the content as metadata while SVN do so by file.
Git is much faster than SVN.
Learn How to use the iOS Tool — Xode

Xcode is the most popular iOS development tool. Xcode was developed by Apple and runs under Apple’s Mac operating system. Xcode provides an integrated development environment for developers to develop Mac OS X and iOS applications. Xcode supports any programming languages like C, C++, Swift, Objective C, Java, AppleScript etc. Xcode is very fast in compiling and its every operation is quick and easy. Using iOS device, Xcode can deploy the application to the iOS device. As we have discussed, Xcode provides a very convenient and easy to use application development environment for the iOS developers so that they can develop an excellent iOS application under it.

Start Developing your iOS App

After you master the basic programming and design principles, you can easily start making an iOS App. Initially you may not be able to build complex application but you can start with what you know in beginning and learn in the process. In beginning, start writing concise and simple code as it is loved and understandable by everyone.

Upload your App to GitHub

GitHub is a popular social platform to share your source code and to see source code of other projects which are open source. GitHub has more than 900 million developer users. It is the most popular way for managing software development. If you can upload your iOS app to GitHub then you can show it to anyone whosoever you wish to including your interviewer if you are looking for the job of an iOS developer. Also you can learn by looking at other developer’s source code.

Publish your App on the Apple’s App Store

Every iOS developer must learn how to publish an app in the App Store. Initially the main purpose to publish your app in the app store is to learn the process of how to publish iOS applications on App store. Soon you will learn how to make it more popular so that more people purchase it and download it for use.

Keep Learning

If you want to become an expert iOS developer then constant learning from as many resources as possible is the best possible way to enhance your iOS development skills. Initially you may also need some help but soon you will be able to do all the development work yourself.


There is no doubt that the future of iPhone app development is great. If you will follow the above steps which we have described then you will definitely become an expert iPhone developer. You just need to stick to the basics and follow the policy of simplicity while developing iPhone apps.

Originally published at on January 4, 2018.



Lori Caricofe

Software tester by profession. Fast learner, Passionate about tech. Good sense of humour, & Enjoy challenges!